A power of attorney (for financial and contract matters) requires two witnesses and a notary. It can be witnessed and notarized online now. However, a POA signed and witnessed online is not the same as a POA signed and witnessed in person.
As a life planning lawyer, I usually recommend that my clients “activate” certain powers in the POA document. Lawyers call these the “super powers.” The only way to activate the super powers is to initial them one-by-one. Before activating the super powers, however, you should understand what these powers are and how they might be used in the future. This understanding is best obtained by a personal consultation with a lawyer.
If you choose to activate the super powers, the RON process will be limited. Super powers can be initialed online only if the witnesses are physically present with the principal (the signor). Thus, a POA with super powers can be notarized remotely but cannot be witnessed remotely. Remember, the witnesses present with you to sign the POA must go through the two step authentication process.
In my opinion, if you are willing to have two witnesses present with you, why not ensure that one of those witnesses is a Notary? This allows you to activate the super powers and eliminates RON entirely.
Next, before choosing RON for your power of attorney, you should consider the likely difficulty of using a remotely notarized power of attorney. FIND OUT MORE HERE.